Sunday, April 10, 2022


There is nothing like a bouquet of cut flowers, especially at this time of year, when garden blooms are still a far off promise!   Thank you, Tessa, for something colourful to paint!                                                                                                               
Purple Tulips


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Summer's End --- Three sketches of the marsh in late season

Wetlands, with their ongoing seasonal changes, are among my favorite sketching sites.                               In spring, when melting snow turns low lying woods and pasture into mini lakes, they vibrate with the high pitched cries of peepers and birds.            In summer, as the water recedes, ferns and moss covered  tree roots emerge; frog song gives way to the buzzing of insects.                             By autumn, vegetation has overtaken the seasonal pools.  When I waded into this sea of marsh grass, I was able to sketch from a vantage point that was submerged only a few months before.   A brief moment in the life of a wetland...           
Broken Saplings and Marsh Grass